Irish Times: How to budget your way through financial realities of Covid-19

Irish Times: How to budget your way through financial realities of Covid-19

Posted on 31Mar

Ten years on from the last financial crisis, recession looms once … Our muscle memory is strong, and there are things you can do right now to ease your finances and your mind. … more interest in the long term, says Joey Sheahan of

If you have a rainy-day fund start eating into it now

We didn’t think we’d be back here again so soon. Ten years on from the last financial crisis, recession looms once more. But there’s a difference this time round: we’ve navigated these waters before. Our muscle memory is strong, and there are things you can do right now to ease your finances and your mind.
Keeping a roof over your head will be your biggest priority. With estimates that up to 350,000 people, or one in six of the working population, will lose their jobs as result of the Covid-19 pandemic, banks should be as worried about mortgage default as you are.

Ten years on from the last financial crisis, recession looms once … Our muscle memory is strong, and there are things you can do right now to ease your finances and your mind. … more interest in the long term, says Joey Sheahan of

Read the full article by Joanne Hunt in the Irish Times here –

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